Perbandingan Antibakteri Ekstrak Dari Daun, Kulit Batang dan Buah Juwet (Syzygium cumini) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bakteri Salmonella typhi

  • I Gusti Putu Agus Ferry Sutrisna Putra Program Studi Teknologi Laboratorium Medik, Institut Ilmu Kesehatan Medika Persada Bali
  • I K. Putra Juliantara Program Studi Teknologi Laboratorium Medik, Institut Ilmu Kesehatan Medika Persada Bali
  • A.A. Sagung Ranya Sita Program Studi Teknologi Laboratorium Medik, Institut Ilmu Kesehatan Medika Persada Bali


Background: Typhoid fever is common in tropical as well as subtropical regions such as Indonesia, typhoid fever is an endemic disease, of which approximately 21.5 million people per year are affected by the disease. Typhoid treatment with antibiotics results in mutations that Salmonella typhi becomes resistant to antibiotics (Multi Drug Resistance Salmonella typhi). One plant that has the property for treatment is Juwet (Syzygium Cumini), this plant is known content antosianin, elagat acid, gallic acid, malic acid, oxalic acid, quersetin, routine, carotenoids, glucoside, kamferol, miresetin, alkaloid, jambosina, vitamin C, protein, and calcium. Method: The type of research used is experimental research that is by giving intervention in the form of antibacterial extract to Salmonella typhi bacteria, then measured inhibition zone formed on growth medium of Salmonella typhi bacteria with millimeter unit. Juwet bark extractable to inhibit the growth of Salmonella typhi bacteria at concentrations of 50% and 75% by showing the zone of radical resistance and statistical test results showed the F calculated the price was greater than F table so that there is the influence of the concentration of juwet bark extract on the growth of Salmonella typhi. Result: Juwet leaf extracts able to inhibit Salmonella typhi bacteria growth at concentration 50% and 75% by showing the zone of the radical barrier and statistic test result showed that F calculated value is bigger than F table so there is the influence of the various concentration of juwet bark extract on growth of Salmonella typhi. Juwet juice extracts able to inhibit Salmonella typhi bacteria growth at concentration 12,5%, 25%, 50% and 75% by showing the zone of the radical barrier and test result statistically show the price of F count is bigger than F table so there is an influence of the various concentration of extract juwet bark against Salmonella typhi growth. Juwet Bark Skin Extract at 75% Concentration is most effective in inhibiting Salmonella typhi growth and has a drag zone diameter closer to chloramphenicol.


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How to Cite
SUTRISNA PUTRA, I Gusti Putu Agus Ferry; JULIANTARA, I K. Putra; SITA, A.A. Sagung Ranya. Perbandingan Antibakteri Ekstrak Dari Daun, Kulit Batang dan Buah Juwet (Syzygium cumini) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Bakteri Salmonella typhi. Bali Health Journal, [S.l.], v. 2, n. 2, p. 95-102, nov. 2018. ISSN 2599-1280. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 27 apr. 2024.